Lelitisa many-decades old Italian brand, recognized by the espresso world for it’s marvelous heritage of Great-value coffee machines, that produce simply Beautiful coffee.Pioneers in fusingstate-of-the-art technology, sophisticated design, and professional details to satisfy the needs of all espresso lovers, Lelit haveteamed up with us to serve a growing coffee-passionateSouth Africa. Qualitytends to havenames, one of those names is Italy’s very own Lelit!
Lelit’sround cylindricalknock box withit’s classic styling is made entirely of brushed stainless steel with an anti-slip base to prevent any kind of scratching on your worktop. The solid knock-bar is generously rubber-coated to better absorb impact. It has a maximum capacity of 10 spent coffee pucks, and includes a microfiber cloth and a wooden brush with natural bristles.
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